Ensure your child carried his/her testing and hypo kits with them at all times. Insulin is usually stored in the school office.
Teenagers usually carry their insulin with them or they may use an insulin pump. Some of the things parents can do to further help:
- Teach your child to monitor his/her behaviour and recognise signs, such as feeling sleepy or dizzy, that indicate help is needed.
- Inform your child's school about his/her diabetes.
- Ensure all information is available and recorded in the school support diabetes health plan for your child.
- Ensure your child's diabetes health plan is updated regularly and the PSG advised of any changes.
- Provide the school with your child's ‘hypo' kit e.g. juice, poppers, jelly beans etc.
- Ensure your child's name, list of contents, hypo symptoms and instructions for use are clearly indicated on his/her hypo kit.
- Notify the teacher/s if your child has required monitoring for blood glucose levels throughout the night. He/she may be tired and lethargic at school and their behaviour may be different.
- Encourage your child's socialisation with peers. Invite friends over after school or for sleep overs. Your child may be reluctant to visit friends after school or to stay overnight because of the need to inject insulin or monitor what he/she is eating.
- Encourage your child to attend a diabetes camp. These camps are specifically designed for students with diabetes and are run by staff knowledgeable in diabetes.
For more information, download the fact sheets below: